Monday, June 4, 2007

Two Great Guys...

In order to fully appreciate these guys, you have the hear the story of the beginning of the first church we started in Venezuela. We started it, just the 5 of us (that was before our CaraqueƱitos were born), in a hotel conference room in Chacaito, Caracas. Many Sundays, we were it! God blessed in His time, for He had things to teach Mr. and Mrs. Missionary. Now that church runs around I said, God blessed! Anyway, at the start of this church in La Victoria, God saw fit to give us these two great guys as our co-workers. They are Anthony (on the left) and Dilxon (right). Anthony comes from estado Yaracuy EVERY WEEKEND to help. Dilxon will do anything for any of us. We spend a lot of time with these two~they are indeed a great blessing!


Morgan said...

yeah they sure are great to have around!!

Rita Loca said...

What a blessing!

Kristi said...

I am not in a full time ministry, however, I know the blessings these men must be.


Pen of Jen said...

God sure does provide all doesn't He?

Unknown said...

Growing up as a pastor's kid, I know what a GREAT need it is to have devoted workers who love the Lord! What a blessing for you all! Tell them I thank them for their service to my Lord!

Rita Loca said...

You've been tagged!

HsKubes said...

What a blessing to have fellow laborers!
Thank you for linking to me, by the way!
I did a little research on making sourdough without the potato flakes. Actually, I had wanted to do this anyway, it had just gotten put on the backburner so thank you for the motivation. I found two sites with recipes without the potato flakes. I haven't tried them, yet, but hope to. Here are the links:

Sourdough Bread Recipe (uses milk powder and is recipe for bread, not the starter)

'Herman' Sourdough Starter(uses milk)

Hope those help.

~ Christina