Friday, March 30, 2007

My good friend, Candy, has recently visited my site. That made me think of the good ole days in Chillon, Lima, Peru. Candy, several other interesting kids, and I grew up outside of Lima, Peru, on the grounds of the Baptist Bible Seminary of Lima. We had some great times and adventures! One of the really funny things I remember was all the "CLUBS" we had. Amazingly enough =)*ahem*, I was always the president. I wonder why? I can't remember if I forced them to vote for me, did they really love me, or was it a dictatorship. Can't remember...Amy, the youngest and just slightly less imposing than me, was ALWAYS the vice-president. In fact, as I recall, no matter what "club" it was, the roles were always the same. There was a secretary, a treasurer (did we have any money?), and a custodian, as I recall. TOO FUNNY. Now, the MK/TCK's I know today have ONLINE clubs. Who is the president? I imagine Jayde!


Rita Loca said...

You? Dictatorial?! I love the way you said they were "interesting" kids. perfect description of most MK's!

Unknown said...

Hey good to see you were back around the blogoshpere! I linked over form Rita's blog to just give you a shout out! HI!

Yes, I imagine Jayde could fill the dictatoiral position! LOL

Tracey said...

So glad you stopped by my blog! It's neat to link up with other MK's...but I'm a little lost, what is a TCK?

I grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil, so I know what you mean about clubs, we had to entertain ourselves somehow, didn't we?!

Rita Loca said...

TCK!!! LOL!!! It's getting around!

CaraqueƱa said...

TCK is Jungle Mom's term--Third-Culture Kid. That is, the "kid" doesn't have either of his parents' cultures. So, he/she has a third culture! Wait til you hear about the hexaheads...

Danouver said...

What's TK anyways?