Monday, March 26, 2007

Really Oughta Blog...

Our "new" youth group
Whole work group

Kitchen crew

Three guys who were saved

Thursday night group

Ethan preaching to guys

Hi folks! Sorry I haven't blogged in a long time. So much has been going on ... On March 13, we had Seth's birthday party because we were going to be very busy on his actual birthday~March 17. My son turned 11! Yikes...where does time go? The reason we weren't going to be able to celebrate Seth's birthday properly on his birthday was that we were starting a Sunday-to-Sunday evangelistic effort on March 18. My friend, Margarita, arrived on March 17 to help me cook for the week. We received a group of friends~young people from a Bible institute in another state~on March 19. We had a great week of evangelizing, playing soccer with the guys of the neighborhood, and services at night. What did I do? Well, I COOKED with Margarita all week. Actually, I helped Margarita COOK. We had a great time together as always! She is an awesome Christian from our first church in Caracas. Anyway, the harvest was plenteous and so I am so thankful that I had a part, if only in cooking for all the group~23 of them, 7 of us, along with some others! I can count at least 12 people who were saved this week, and many of them came every day of the meetings. One boy named Junior brought two friends who were saved too! It's so exciting to see the Lord working in a mighty way in La Victoria! Pray for us as we tend "babies" now and that they will grow and yield a lasting fruit~Jn. 15:16!
Hopefully I'll be back before May!


Rita Loca said...

Exciting I happened to be in Yaritagua Saturday speaking at their ladies conference, so I heard about some of this from Carlos Ramos. It is so cool because I remember when he got saved!True missions, when the reached are now reaching! Thanks for the update!

Susan said...

Appreciated reading your report of your labor of love.

Yekwana Man said...

Hey Girl, I was in Maracay last weekend and preached 4 times on Sunday. I knew you guys were close and that was exciting for me cause there is now so much work going on in each state that it almost seems crowded. Great to hear all the happenings and see the work in la Victoria finally getting going. God Bless and Keep there!

Unknown said...

Rejoicing with you! What sweet faces the people have. Hey - don't feel guilty about not blogging often. At least when you do blog, you have GREAT stuff to share with us!