Saturday, December 15, 2007

'Tis the Season...for Christmas Programs and Parties!

Another thing I love, love, love about the U.S. is all the Christmas music! Since I have children in EVERY SECTION of the school, I get to go to ALL of the Christmas programs... Last night was Elementary/Preschool night. You know, I really only SAW three own! They were so cute, and Seth was handsome (not cute! except to me...sshhh, it's a secret). Seth participated in handbells and choir, and he did excellent! I took pictures but they aren't too good, so they won't be posted here. Aaron had a leetle problem before we went, so I was a little out of sorts...but I really enjoyed it very much. I got a "morning off" today as Matt took Seth to his basketball game. It was wonderful. Tonight is our church Christmas party, for which I made cookies just now. It smells yummy around here! Tomorrow is church, which always keeps us busy and happy. My neighbor, Mary, was over this afternoon with a Christmas sweet. Morgan swept her walk today as it is snowing, snowing, snowing. And I love it, love it, love it! Monday will find us at a basketball game in the afternoon and another Christmas concert...loving it! Tuesday we get to a major mall again for Christmas carolling by the 6th graders...and so it goes. I am enjoying it VERY MUCH! Merry Christmas season to all of you!


Liz said...

Very cute post.. especially the colors!!!

Rita Loca said...

Feliz navidad! We have friends who were in Venezuela with MAF here, we just helped move them into their apartment today. It was so good to see someone form the good ol' days in Venezuela.
I would love to see you all. We will be with Ed and gang on the 23 rd. I have not heard of a decision yet, but in light of everything, I can't imagine they will really have much choice.

Abraham said...

Hola, pastor, espero se encuentre bien... Saludos desde Venezuela, por casualidad encontré su blog aquí... Solo quería recordarle que frecuentemente ruego a Dios por ustedes y que Dios pueda abrir puertas y hacer grandes cosas en su ministerio.
Su alumno del Instituto Bautista de Caracas. Abaraham