Monday, January 29, 2007


Caraqueña said...

Sorry. This blog represents my brain...or the lack of it. Only I would post an empty space. Duhhhh

Unknown said...

LOL - now I don't feel so bad about my blogging blunders! Hey, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments. I LOVE comments! The Peanut Butter Pie recipe is on Missy's blog. There is a link to her on my blog! Now about that decorating! It's intersting your daughter wants a beach theme. My son is in the process of doing his room that way! However, his is more on the Beach Bum Shack style! I'll leave a photo over at y blog for ya! Take care! Oh and thank you so much for the compliment on my decoratng being "bellisimo". Not sure how you drew that conclusion.??!! hehe Please share!

Rita Loca said...

Alright, chica!! I guess Tigres is better than magallanes, and definetly better then the Leones...but...In baseball, I am ROJO,ROJITO! Cardenales and in the major leagues. RedSox.

Caraqueña said...

Tigres, Tigres, Aragua AND Detroit! Red Sox are cool too, and their melenas!!! hahaha Wouldn't Clint look cute, and can you imagine Matt with a melena?!

Caraqueña said...

To Pam: I drew the conclusion of your decorating savvy by looking at your Christmas pics, even your bathroom, I think!