Friday, May 2, 2008

Stateside Time Coming to an End!

A friend of mine commented lately that my blog isn't updated (to say the least!!), and that she had previously enjoyed staying up with my life with it. Well, in a nutshell, my life has been such a blur that it would've been difficult (and boring for you) for me to recount it. My kids have had such a nice year at the school they've attended...they hate it to end. And end it will~in two weeks. Then there will be packing (actually, the packing and sorting will start before THAT) and on to visit Venezuela and on to set up residence in Uruguay. All of this depends on a God Who has never failed ever before~we trust in Him! Also, in these months that I was absent, Ethan won 1st place in nationals in Poetry Writing. Seth won regionals in Bible Sword Drill (the younger kids don't go on to nationals). Morgan played JV soccer~she really enjoyed it, and Ethan is at a baseball tournament right now. We had an awful storm last night~there is an uprooted TREE in our neighbor's yard. The kids are off to school, and I'm off to my day...have a good one!

**Next post: scenes from this year!

1 comment:

Rita Loca said...

Thanks for the update girl!I have been wondering how plans were going. we have Josh's wedding in June and then we are off.