Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Six Questions

1. If you could spend the day with a famous person, who is still alive today, who would it be and why?

- Camilla, Prince Charles' wife...to see what on earth Prince Charles sees in her that he preferred her over Diana!

2. How would you define the following phrase: "DYING TO SELF"?

- Not taking myself into account at all, having a carpet-minded mentality...in other words, being willing to lay myself down for the good of others, and maybe even need to be "walked" on. It involves doing as Christ did and is described in Phil. 2.

3. Do you have a hobby or a favorite way to unwind? If so, tell us how you got started in it.

- I like to crossstitch from time to time, but READING is definitely my favorite! I'm into Dee Henderson just now. I can't put a book down once I start it. I also love old classics by Charles Dickens. He has an awesome way of drawing word pictures!

4. Name an adventure you would love to do or go on.

- I have ALWAYS wanted to go to the Swiss Alps. I can just picture myself walking through one of those little villages like Heidi lived in (actually, she lived up on the mountain, but you know what I mean!). Love snow too!

5. Name three things you do to encourage others.

- I always try to touch people (mostly ladies) when I'm speaking to them (just to make them feel loved), I like to always remember birthdays (when's yours, Pam? Jackie?), I like to call people by their names

6. Describe your church building, your pastor, and your pastor's wife.

- We have a neat little apartment church. It's on the second floor of the building, above a bakery, in front of one of the town's main plazas. It is painted light green with live plants, very tastefully but minimally decorated (my husband has excellent taste). The pastor is a great man, great organizational skills, loves the work...also a wonderful husband, father...he's my husband, Matt! The pastor's wife, well, SHE'S another story! She loves the people of our tiny baby church very much, she teaches the wee ones in Sunday school, plays the piano. Their son, Ethan, is the song director, and Morgan and Seth provide much of the special music! How's that for a missions team!? =)


jennifer said...

Ok. Your answer to #1 is the best, to bad I didn't think of that!
Too fun of answers!

Unknown said...

Hey! I'm so happy and honored you did this. I certainly feel as though I have learned more about you from it. I just LOVE your answer for #1. I too have ofented wondered why Camilla, poor thing!

Anyway, my birthday is Nov.8 and Jackie's is Mar. 10. Thanks! I will be looking for a huge, expensive gift in a few months! LOL

How is the diet going? I just read all the comments on your post about it and had a few chuckles! It's such a battle for most of us it seems! I love Tuna anyway I can get it!

CaraqueƱa said...

Diet is fine...boring. I've lost a little bit of what I regained...you know how it goes. Oh well... Sophie's b.d. is in Nov.

Pen of Jen said...

Come see who was mentioned in the caption contest!

TO BECOME said...

Caraquna, It is so nice to meet you. I have been seeing you at some of the blogs that I visit so I desided to come over and visit you. I am glad I did. It was fun learning even more about you. connie from Texas

Unknown said...

I forgot something very important! Kudos for reaching "honorable mention" for your caption over at Jen's! Wasn't that fun?

I told Agustin that you thought his entry was a winner. He grinned like a little boy! So cute!

Rita Loca said...

thanks for the text message .Clint told me he read it to me when he got it, but it just now registered, good to have my brain back!

TO BECOME said...

I wanted to wish you A VERY HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. connie from Texas

Unknown said...

hey again! You asked if I used my Mexican Pottery. Not really. I'm afraid there may be lead in the clay or somehing! So I just display them!
Oh and did I tell you thanks for the no bake cookie recipe? I made them and they went fast!

Anonymous said...

Loved reading this post. Do you long for treats during church if you meet above a bakery? That would just do me in,hehe.

I love to touch people, women, too. I have offended a few who don't like their space invaded. I guess it's just very natural to me.

Sorry we cannot have some cake together.