Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Jackie's Three Meme

1. Things that scare you:
- Bungee jumping
- Roller coasters
- Barack Obama
2. People that make me laugh:
-my friend Cyndy
-Don Knotts
-Dick VanDyke
3. Things I hate the most:
- Getting tickled
- Being fat
- Sticking my foot in my mouth
4. Things I don't understand:
- Venezuelan representantes meetings
- American Al Qaeda followers!
5. Things I'm doing right now:
- Sweating
- Listening to the lady on the loudspeaker across the road
- Listening to Morgan tell me what to write on here
6. Things I want to do before I die:
- Go to Austria
- Organize my Sunday school files!
- See my kids marry and serve the Lord
7. Things I can do:
- Write out a schedule...too bad I can't put in into practice for more than 3 days!
- Talk
- Math
8. Ways to describe my personality:
- Very, too talkative
- Independent
- Friendly
9. Things I cannot do:
- Curl my tongue (all my children can do it--even my 3-yr. old
- Parachute out of a plane
- Live in the jungle
10. Things I think you should listen to:
- God's voice
- Sophie singing "Senor, Tu Me Llamas"
- Bluegrass!
11. Things you should not listen to:
- Chavez blah blah blah
- Regueton
12. Things I'd like to learn:
- To play the violin
- To decorate like my mother-in-law
- To be consistent
13. Favorite foods:
- Margarita's hallacas
- Shrimp (Aaron's too!)
- Chocolate
14. Beverages I drink regularly:
- coffee
- diet pepsi
- water
15. Shows I watched as a kid:
- Mi Bella Genio (you know, the lady who blinked her eyes and made things happen)
- The Sound of Music
- El Chavo del Ocho
16. Three (okay, six) persons to tag:
- My three older kids
- Kim at River Rat
- Marallyn Ben Moshe
- My sister, Meredith


Jackie said...

Whats wrong with Regueton? I love that music! JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!

marallyn ben moshe said...

love your meme...thanks for the tag...always fun coming to visit

Rita Loca said...

El Chavo! We have a dvd of the entire series!

Unknown said...

Oh my I watched El Chave while living in Mexico!!

I see you too have trouble with constancy! I learned a little more about you through this meme.