Monday, October 15, 2007

Moving In...Don't Know About On

It's been two weeks...guess I'm about due for a post. It's been a busy two weeks~I feel like we've been here forever! Already, there have been two field trips, a choir concert, a game and a tournament (for Miss Cheerleader)...also an all-day ladies' conference for me! Today we will be moving into our "permanent for now" house. I can't wait until that's done. Matt is moving furniture today, and I'm supposed to be getting everything else ready to leave this house (but I'm The kids are loving school. Seth says it's even better than X-Box. That's saying a lot! To those of you wondering what this SAHM does with her time now, well...I run around getting all the things the kids need for school. It seems like daily someone says, "BTW...I need ______ for school tomorrow. Can you get it?" So I guess I'm now the "getter". Mom and Dad will be here later this week~that will be nice! Our church here has showered us with winter clothing and furniture and food, for which we are very thankful. Tri-City is the best! Our future is still uncertain...whether it will be Venezuela or somewhere else, we know not yet. God knows though~please continue to pray.


Billy said...

Look--I'm leaving a comment since you said you never get comments!! Sounds like you are very busy! Once you get settled in, maybe I can toodle down for a visit :) Although by the time your mom and dad leave we'll be into Thanksgiving season...and you know that's when we get the flu!

Billy said...

Oops, I just realized I didn't put my name, and Matt might not want somebody named billy writing you. So it wasn't Billy, it was Shelley-a!

Liz said...

you do what I do... LOTS! busy, busy all day with the wiferies (is that a word?)

Glad the kids like school, it's a huge change for them.


HsKubes said...

Hope your moving in is going well.
It was nice to hear from you.
I wanted to let you know that I answered your question on the post.

Enjoy the rest of your week ~

Rita Loca said...

Sounds like the kids are doing great and you are getting in the swing! By the way, they have christian, american schools in AsunciĆ³n! Hint, hint!!! You c an even use american curriculum for Paraguayan christian schools.