Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I've semi-dropped out of blogging. I feel sad about that because I really miss all of you! I know that people don't come over here to read because I rarely post. I noticed that I'm not even on my friends' links anymore...sigh. Anyhoose...from here, these are the happenings. The kids continue to LOVE school. Today Morgan, EJ, and I started violin/guitar lessons with an awesome teacher. He's in the symphony! He's really cool...and we love his sense of humor. We found out that we are getting ready for a strings ensemble Christmas caroling thing in early December. Wow~that should be fun! We only have 22 carols to learn... Ethan continues to write poetry~he recently wrote a poem called "Scarlet Snow". I'll have to get his permission to post it! He's very gifted with words. He's in an online writing "club" called FaithWriters. He's also got his driving permit, so he's learning to drive! Oh joy... tonight I got the privilege to be his passenger... and I actually didn't whack out like I thought I might or should. My mom is still visiting here and Dad is in Mexico, due back on Friday. Last Saturday we got to go to a hayride/weiner roast at the farm of a church family. It was cool. Aaron loved the barn swings. Several of my kids didn't even eat, they were having such a good time! (Of course, they wanted to eat when they got home!) I had teacher conferences yesterday with a couple of teachers. My kids are fitting in really well in school. Aaron has problems with talking...have no idea where he got THAT from! We are privileged to have started working in a small church~kind of like a mission out of our church. Matt is the youth director and I teach the little uns. This is, of course, provisional until God shows us His perfect will; but we are very happy to be working for Him! Today we met with our missions director, and we were sharing the way God might be leading...suspense...can't tell all of YOU about it yet =)! We are excited and fearful and sad and happy and and and.... I'll let you know when I can. I am enjoying the opportunity to meet our neighbors and pray for their salvation. I've met the people across the street and caddycorner, and I am hoping they will go to church with me sometime, and above all, that they will meet my Saviour! I need to post pics on here...when I have some. I really miss all of you and I really do lurk even if I sometimes don't comment. I guess I'm more of a lurker at heart than a TRUE blogger! Speaking of the heart, the ladies Bible study at our church this year is about the heart. It is really, really good and I've been challenged to get up very early to keep up with mine. How about you? Once again, I hope to keep this up more regularly. *I guess that's not a promise...*


Liz said...

Mixed emotions... but from here I can see that all is well. Keep us posted, sí?

Sadly (for me) you're too far away. But I'm very happy for your family.-- L

Rita Loca said...

suspense! E-mail me!!!