Friday, September 14, 2007

Of Interest...

I don't really know when we started to talk about it. It might have been a tip we received from Rita at Jungle Hut that children were having difficulties getting Venezuelan passports. The roller-coaster ride began... At one point, we were 90% sure that we were leaving Venezuela for good, then... Are we sure about that? Then, we would hear about YET ANOTHER missionary leaving, all for good reasons; but did we have a good reason? More importantly, did we have God's peace? We admitted that we did not. However, I decided not to hang up the remaining pictures in my house, couldn't let Morgan have a dog, etc. We heard of a pastor who got a passport for his three young children! We'll try too! Time when on...and on... We hung up the pictures in my bedroom, hung up a quilt in the living room, got a dog, made more plans for the church, even the Christmas program! As I said, though, Time went on...and on... We DIDN'T get Aaron's passport, and as of the last thing we've heard, "esta delicado" (essentially, very difficult!). After MUCH, MUCH prayer and some sleeplessness (on my part~Matt could sleep through an earthquake, I think!), on Wednesday, we decided that we have to leave before Aaron's passport expires on Oct 3. So... we are leaving on October 1, but we hope not forever... We will continue to work on Aaron's passport from safer shores. Our church is very young, and it is an important factor, but Aaron must be safe. Good-bye for now, my beloved Venezuela, mi Caracas añorada!
*I wanted to link Rita, but I couldn't remember FOR THE LIFE OF ME! how to link...I must be losing brain cells!
** I brain cells are growing back!


River Rat said...

thanks for the news. I'm praying for y'all and your trip.

Liz said...


Ay Tocayita, te voy a extrañar... pero es verdad, por los niños.
Mientras, nosotros, no sabemos que hacer! estas decisiones son muy difíciles.

Un gran abrazo.-- Liz

Rita Loca said...

Beth, my heart aches for you!!! I do know what you feel. I heard some pretty scary things from some Venezuelans today. Trying to get to Europe. I can link to you if you want.

Rita Loca said...

Sorry, the house was rented! boo hoo!!!

We could check here at D and D if you want.

Yekwana Man said...

Believe me Beth,
We know how you feel! We'll be praying for you.

Rita Loca said...

about d and d,
email Marianne Quirk at
and tell her your situation. She did not seem to hopeful as they are usually booked a year ahead.

Susan said...

I pray that your leaving goes smoothly and that you can get the BC issue resolted from a safe place and return. You can tell your heart is still toward Venezuela!