Saturday, February 3, 2007

Reflections on Peru, chapter 1

My good friend, Candy, has recently visited my site. That made me think of the good ole days in Chillon, Lima, Peru. Candy, several other interesting kids, and I grew up outside of Lima, Peru, on the grounds of the Baptist Bible Seminary of Lima. We had some great times and adventures! One of the really funny things I remember was all the "CLUBS" we had. Amazingly enough =)*ahem*, I was always the president. I wonder why? I can't remember if I forced them to vote for me, did they really love me, or was it a dictatorship. Can't remember...Amy, the youngest and just slightly less imposing than me, was ALWAYS the vice-president. In fact, as I recall, no matter what "club" it was, the roles were always the same. There was a secretary, a treasurer (did we have any money?), and a custodian, as I recall. TOO FUNNY. Now, the MK/TCK's I know today have ONLINE clubs. Who is the president? I imagine Jayde!

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