Friday, May 4, 2007

More Things I Cannot Do and Funny People

I cannot:
~tell a joke...and I'm the daughter of the king of joke-telling!
~get Matt to so much as hardly look at my blog, or any other, for that matter!

I don't understand:
~people who get mad and yell at people in other cars...who cannot even hear them!

Funny people:
~Daniel Arce is a hoot!
~Mike, from Seattle, is hilarious
~Pastor Carlos Ramos makes me laugh the whole time I'm around him!


Unknown said...

Our hubby's must have something in common! Mine hardly looks at mine either. If I catch him at the right time or email him a link to a particular post, he is more likely to read it. Once in awhile I can get him to look at Jackie's or Rita's and Clint's but that's about it! I want him to start his own becasue he is witty and has much wisdom to boot!

Caraqueña said...

Matt considers it a waste of time...he'd rather LIVE his life than write about it! He's not as much of a people person as I am!

Dawn said...

Another Venezuelan missionary friend! Thanks so much for stopping by. I imagine you came by way of Jungle Mom.

I checked the trilogy from various libraries, because nobody had all 3 of them. But I learned that all 3 have been put out in a commemorative package. They're on at really good prices and I think I'll have to get them. I need to re-read the Savannah series, which I did buy with a book club many years ago. I hope you get a chance to read the trilogy. Have you been able to read both posts on her?

Come back any time!

Jackie said...

Daniel Arce is a hoot, true. Sorry you can't get hubby to look at blogs...I will pray for him! :)

Rita Loca said...

Daniel Arce and Carlos Ramos, thats funny! And then add a Clint!

Caraqueña said...

JM: Oh yeah, Daniel, Carlos, AND Clint! Now that's something!
Miss Dawn: Yup, another one from Vz! Seems like there's MANY of us...Like I said, I only read an autobiography of Price's spiritual journey. It was very good. Did you ever read anything by Grace Livingstone Hill? I'm sorry, but that wasn't good reading! No, I haven't read both posts on E. Price. What date was the other?