Sunday, May 27, 2007

Another Black Day in Venezuela

Today is the death of freedom of speech in Venezuela...The oldest channel in this country, Radio Caracas Television of Venezuela, will be "officially discontinued" at 11:59 p.m. I am very sad, seeing the Venezuelans' inability to do absolutely ANYTHING to defend their rights. I am enraged, as not only the government (the regime) is refusing them their right to free speech (the problem is, their opinions are different from HHH and his thugs) but they are taking over their custom-made equipment. This is legal, supposedly, because what else will RCTV be able to use that equipment for now? This makes my blood absolutely boil...There will be a day of reckoning.


River Rat said...

That is pretty sad.

memememe said...

Thanks for commenting in my blog. Im sad too, sad and destroyed.

Liz said...

There are no words tocaya, just a terrible headache and the sensation that the worst is yet to come.


Jackie said...

It's hard to imagine. It's even on the news here...

Yekwana Man said...

I sense a little frustration there!