Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Twins

Today, we received a blessing: the arrival of our 5K twin "white" babies! Yippee!
We took a picture of them! Aren't they adorable?


Caraqueña said...

Btw, their names are Montal and Ban! lolrotfl. However, their names are not very important, just that they're WHITE! (and I'm not prejudiced)

Unknown said...

Is that sugar? Or ...? LOL

Caraqueña said...

Sugar, Pam, sugar...

Rita Loca said...

I hope the delivery wasn't too hard! I love the names!!! If no one else gets the joke , I do!! ROTFLOL!

Caraqueña said...

long lines at the "hospital" is all! Actually, Matt "delivered" one of them...we're like China, one kid per person!hahahaha

Yekwana Man said...

Congrats on the babies. They look big and healthy. I had ten little babies but they were premature at only 1 kilo a piece. They are doing fine though!!!!!! All snuggled away in the nursery....closet....pantry

#1 CUBS FAN said...

Even though they are my bros. all I think about is how good they are.

Unknown said...

hey here is the response I left at my comment section for you:Caraquena" I guess things were different for you on the missions field. I wasn't allowed to watch Grease either, but when older it was ont.v. and I tried watching. I couldn't figure out what all the fuss had been - garbage!
Klick-Klacks were heavy glass balls (think huge marbles) one attached to each end of a heavy sting or cord. You would try to get them into a rythm as you manuevered them in your hand. The balls would clack together making the sound cklick-clack!