Tuesday, February 19, 2008

No Pasa ni un Dia...

No miento cuando digo que no pasa ni un dia, escasamente ni una hora pasa, que no pienso, que no extrano de una manera feroz, mi pais, el pais al cual quiero, que me abrazo, el pais de Venezuela. Siento la brisa, veo el Avila, siento el calor...lloro. Cuando llegara el dia en que no sienta que se me ha arrebatado algo? De Dios no dudo...El sabe todo, El ve todo, El ve mis lagrimas, El ve las caras que yo amo...alli en Venezuela. Confio en Dios en que algun dia pasara un dia en que no piense...en Venezuela.

*Sorry, English speakers, this was thought in Spanish, had to be written in Spanish.

My Son, a Sixteen-Year Old

When did time begin to fly? I don't think it was when he was little...time seemed to crawl then, the days sometimes very LOOOOOONG! When he started school? Don't think so. Probably it was when, well, it's really impossible to say, but it is hard for me to believe that someone so, AHEM, *young* can have such an OLD son! Ethan turned sixteen on February 17. He has grown, by the grace of God, into a friendly, handsome, smart, talkative, very competitive young man. Thank you, God! He received a very neat gift~tickets to a college basketball KU-K. State game! We're looking forward to it!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Never heard of a Canna~Have you?

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

Yes, this description is very like me, but who ever heard of a canna?